What would it be like?
What would it be like if everyone felt welcome and accepted by everyone else around them?
What would it be like if intimacy were a part of every friendship and trust was so abounding we forgot how to spell the word?
What would it be like if you knew every minute of everyday that there were several hundred people that prayed specifically for you that day?
What would it be like if perfect love filled each heart so much that fear's cold shadow was nowhere to be found among us?
What would it be like if Satan was the frustrated one, trying all he is worth just to reach the children of God but held a long way off by a wall of love?
What would it be like if avoiding sin were a reason to gather around each other not to push each other apart?
What would it be like if mercy was the first thing to come out of our mouths and not gossip?
What would it be like if the world looked to the church for a definition of friendship not the other way around?
What would it be like if we were really known as Jesus disciples because of our love for one another?
What would it be like if sincerity was the order of the day, and falsehood gone from our faces and our words?
What would it be like if someone's motives were the last thing we had to question?
What would it be like if Jesus were the reason we went to church?
What would it be like if Jesus were the reason we went to work?
What would it be like if Jesus were the reason we took each breath?
What would it be like?
What would it be like if we believed that this is what it could be like?
Let your kingdom come.
Let your will be done.
As in Heaven so on earth.
Josh Hawkins
I was randomly going through blogs when i came upon yours, and i think what you wrote is amazing, kudos.
I believe that it would be like true Christianity and no longer plastic religion.
What would it be like without Josh Hawkins to scream his love for Jesus? A sad world.
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