Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Gospel part 1 - News, Not Instructions

Oh! How I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is really really good news. I don’t think we in the church have even a fraction of an inkling of how good the news of the Jesus really is! I want to spend some time expounding on this eternally glorious reality and I would love to invite you all to join me via blog. Let’s start with the nature of the Gospel.
The Gospel is good news NOT good instructions! Every other religion in the world is a set of instructions for its followers. You get Instructions on how to live a better life; instructions on how not to make God angry; instructions on how to reach the highest happiness etc. The point is do A, B, and C and you will be ok, accepted and escape wrath. That is not the message of the Gospel. The Gospel is not about what you must do, but about what Jesus has already done! It is not about where you must go, but where He has gone for you! The Gospel is not a set of instructions; it is an objective human history. A story that has already taken place that has everything to do with your life.
It is like the reports coming back from a foreign war or the tales of our founding fathers. These things took place outside of us, and we had nothing to do with the chain of events, but they have a dramatic impact on our lives none the less. Jesus came, Jesus lived, Jesus died, and he rose from the Dead. Nothing I have done or could do would change those facts, but those facts changed everything about me. All I have to do is believe the news. That’s it! If I believe the news that the United States won its liberty from England over 200 years ago it will change my behavior dramatically from if I do not, and if I believe that Jesus died to take away my sins my whole life is changed all the more.
The Gospel is GOOD NEWS!!!!


DMJoseph said...

It seems to me that the Good News is that the same Spirit that sustained Jesus through His life of miracles, teaching, pain, suffering and death; the same Spirit that lifted Him from the pit of hell to sit victorious at the right hand of God the father; THAT SAME Spirit of the Living God NOW LIVES IN ME!!!

Resurrection Power. Power indeed. Good News indeed.

DMJoseph said...
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DMJoseph said...

Sorry if I didn't follow the premise of your blog. Just got excited about it. You're right! It has nothing to do with instruction. It's an invite to Love God for who He is. Period.

And Forgot to say...

I love you Josh!!

You're one of my greatest friends. I miss you terribly and cherish every encounter and experience I've had with you!!

I pray there will be more.

Joshy said...

Oh AMEN man! There is so much good news in-fact that a billion blogs could not contain the whole!
Doug my friend - I love you more than I have the capacity to tell. I miss you that much too. We're not that far away from each other we've got figure out a way to hang out again sometime soon.