Thursday, June 4, 2009

Psalm 90 the prayer of a life time

I was reintroduced to Psalm 90 today. I've read it many times before and I've always loved it but one verse caught me today that I thought I would share.

Psalm 90:14 ESV - Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

I heard a preacher today quote this text and say something like, "I pray that every day because I am NOT satisfied with His love.... It is a life long fight every day crying out to God. Oh let me be satisfied in your loving kindness!" That hit me like a lightning bolt. I want to make THIS my every day prayer. The prayer of my life! That His LOVE would be my only satisfaction. On two sides:
#1 That I might BE SATISFIED. We live half our lives wondering why we are so dissatisfied! At least I do. There is a deep groan in me that cannot be quenched except for in the presence of Jesus. There that groan is answered and relieved. My prayer is that I would BE SATISFIED in Him
#2 That my satisfaction would only be looked for in Him. I don't want to ruin my life by roaming the earth looking for other satisfaction. I run to the world, entertainment, the crude destructive cravings of my flesh, in my search FAR TOO OFTEN and it has never, ever been enough, but still I find myself running to other lovers and broken cisterns. God stop me! God remind me that all my fountains are in you!
Today I purpose myself not to begin a day without satisfying myself in God before I do anything else! God help me

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